Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Anslee

You have come a long way.

Anslee Elleen Copeland is the youngest granddaughter of Monte and Toni Crawford and youngest child of Kevin and Milicent Anslee Crawford Copeland. The name Anslee was created by Monte and Toni by squishing together Anson Lee Crawford’s name.
For those of you who do not know the story of Anslee, it really is a big deal that she is alive. Here is the before and after shots.

Anslee was born at 30 ½ weeks by emergency c-section. She had Hydrops Fetalis and was very sick. Quick medical lesson, hydrops is massive amounts of fluid built up on the body, usually caused by anemia. Something is usually wrong with the blood and the heart has to work extra hard to deliver enough oxygen to the body. Hydrops was more common prior to the 1970’s with mothers who were RH negative and the baby was RH positive. Now there is a drug to give to mothers to prevent hydrops and the cases of hydrops has dropped since then. In the US hydrops is not very common and Anslee was my doctor’s first hydrops baby since her residency.
So how did Anslee get hydrops. I was exposed to parvo virus, which is the virus that causes fifths disease in toddlers. Statistically I should have already been exposed to the virus and statistically even if I contracted the virus the chances of passing it on to Anslee were small. Statistics were not on our side. But statistically, Anslee should not have lived. Hydrops has a 60-90% mortality rate, so thank the Good Lord he does not follow statistics. Anslee spent 7 weeks in the NICU and came home just in time for her big brothers 3rd birthday.
So here is our precious miracle child that God blessed us with.
We love her very much and are blessed to have her in our lives. She has been a fighter from day one. She is sweet, caring, feisty, smart, hot tempered, opinionated and loving. She makes life interesting and does keep us entertained. I am not sure what God has planned for her, but I have to assume that it is something big.
By the way, I am now taking suggestions on how to handle such a wonderful child during the teenage years.


  1. She is a precious girly girl! She doesn't even own a pair of tennis shoes all "girly" shoes! You should see her hold her own on the playground with her brother and cousin all while being very lady like!
    She is a sweetie! When I was there over spring break and Millie told her it was time for her nap. She looked at Millie with those big precious Millie eyes and in her very quiet voice (I think she only uses it when I am around!)asked why she had to take a nap. Millie told her it was because she was 4 and four year olds always take naps. Anslee ducked her head, and looking like a sad puppy dog, turned around and went to her room. Two minutes later I peeked in and she was sound asleep! My boys never obeyed like that for nap time!
    I'm not partial or anything I promise!
    Happy Birthday Anslee!!!

  2. She is such a beautiful little girl, and definitely from the Crawford Montgomery line. Thank God we live in the times we do, with all our medical advances.

    As far as the teen years, well, just keep telling yourself: This, too, shall pass.


  3. Your blog brought back so many memories of 5 years ago. Can't say they were good memories. However, even then, as we were going through some tough days and weeks, I had faith that we would be able to look back on it all and rejoice in Anslee's birth.

  4. Saw this while Google-ing hydrops. My unborn nephew was diagnosed with it today. It gave me hope. Thank you and God bless.

  5. I, too, was googling hydrops. My first grandchild was diagnosed with it two days ago..... we are only at 20 weeks gestation. Thank you for the hope!!! Anslee is beautiful!!! We are praying for a miracle!! Blessings to you and your family!

  6. Beautiful girl! Thanks for taking time to post this.
