Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Ila Jean!

Ila Jean Montgomery Stratton, the youngest daughter of Moddy Evertt Montgomery, celebrated her 87th birthday on March 21st. 

Pictures provided by Rita Young, Ila Jean's 3rd child.
From left to right: Marla Stratton (Roger's wife), Roger Stratton (Jean's youngest), Ila Jean, and Monte Stratton Wright (Jean's 2nd child)

Roger, Jean and Monte

Editor's note: First I hope all of this is correct, and second I have not had the privilege of meeting these beautiful people, but boy are those Montgomery genes strong.  And might I add that we age well!

1 comment:

  1. 87? Are you serious? She doesn't look anywhere near 87!! Wow I hope I have enough of those Montgomery genes to look that fabulous at 87.
